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JuMpInG ~ JuMpEd for a worthy cause

With the help of generous donors and partners, Team Simply the Breast has donated over $100,000 collectively in six years to programs in Georgia through the Georgia 2 day walk for Breast Cancer.

Thank you BodyJump Fitness for your continued support and partnership. Nunu and Cedric H. Morris - You all are the best! I appreciate your generous donation through this fundraising event to our team.

Thank you to everyone who participated in today's Jumping fun and contributed toward our team goal. Thanks to our teammates who contributed items for the raffle - Yolanda, Georgia, Brenda, Karen! Thanks to@canvasbyu. Stacey always supports!

I always marvel how God introduces me to people who become lifelong friends in such a way that I know it is by His divine will. Thank you for friendship, ladies❣

If you missed it but still want to jump, please visit BodyJump for a fun yet challenging workout❣ #dothe2 #Georgia2daywalkforbreastcancer #teamSimplytheBrEaST #friendshipandcommunity #blessed #grateful #rebound #jumphumpjump

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