A picture certainly tells a thousand words. I am the adventurous one within my circle of friends. In March 2013, adventure took on a brand new meaning for me. In 2013, I didn't choose an adventure. It chose me. However, I will rewrite its meaning.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Initially, I was diagnosed with Stage 1; however, in June 2013, I had a bilateral (or double) mastectomy. At the time of surgery. it was determined that I was node positive. So, my staging was upgraded to stage 2B. I later found out that I was triple negative. I underwent sixteen rounds of chemo (from August 2013 to December 2013). My exchange surgery (from tissue expanders to implants) was performed January 10, 2014. 2013 proved to be the most challenging year of my life (and imagination). My physical, emotional, and spiritual limits were tested. God is forever faithful. There is absolutely no testimony without the test. I am thankful for the journey and for the person who has come out on the other end.
I am an avid tennis player. Around a year or so AFTER my last chemo, I won a singles tennis champsionship in a local league. Every win makes me reflect. This championship really brought me great joy!
The main reason I started this blog is because I was an aspiring triathlete! In 2014, about a year from my 1st chemo, the dream became a reality. I continue to TRI and have all kinds of fun adventures. This blog is my way of sharing and hopefully inspiring other survivors to set a goal, stretch for it, and then go for it.
Keep it moving, CC aka "PinkyTRI"