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This weekend was full of FIRSTs for me (or First time all over again) ~

  • Rode my tri bike (albeit on a stationery trainer and only for final fitting)

  • Tried on a wet suit (suck it in/up and elsewhere)

  • Had a Myofascial stretch therapy session (Ahhh!)

  • Completed 15 miles with pals (Yay!) - first time in well over a year that I've been on a bike

What a weekend! On Saturday, I visited Podium Multisports in Atlanta to pick-up the remainder of my prizes, which included among other things my beautiful FELT B16W and a wet suit. I asked my facebook pals for suggestions for a name for "her". I received some awesome suggestions, but I decided on one -- PINKY (simple enough, right?...within that name I feel all the other suggestions like TRIUMPH, VICTORY are embedded). Thanks for the suggestions, ya'll (Kimberly, Racquel, Simon)! Picking up my Tri bike meant that I needed to ride one more time in front of Andy (the manager at Podium Multisports) to ensure that the 'fit' was correct. If you've never been fit for a bike, it's an experience (at least, for me, it has been). I'm sure I made it an experience for Andy, too (lol). He is awesome. He exhibited a ton of patience. I am quite the TRI novice.He was extremely helpful and continues to be a knowledgeable resource. I think I spent no less than 15 minutes yanking, pulling, sweating, huffing, and puffing in an attempt to get it on and in the places where it should be. Andy tried to help me manage the effort by saying 'just think of it like you're pulling panty hose'. I am certain he's probably not seen anyone create a workout from wetsuit fitting. What a funny moment! I'm thankful to Atlanta Tri Club and Podium Multisports for "outfitting" and "equipping" me with gear and proper training. My ability to cross a finish line means that I not oly need to be equipped and trained, but I also need to repair.

One of the many things that sixteen rounds of chemo impacted was my flexibility. I've always enjoyed a good stretch after working out. But, I'm as stiff as stiff can be now, so it's more work than pleasure. I had a myofascial stretch therapy session with UFlex Fitness yesterday. It was my first time. Jumaane, who is the owner and also my personal trainer, recommended that I have stretch therapy prior to my PT sessions. So, I did. He was very knowledgable. Immediately, Jumaane recognized areas of weakness without my having to tell him. He revised/adapted the therapy session to special circumstances as a result of my surgery, etc. I am convinced that stretch therapy will be an important part of my continued recovery. If you have stiffness due to an illness or even chronic illness, I recommend stretch therapy!

I met three of my running buddies for a bike ride on Silver Comet trail. I was both excited and nervous. How far would I be able to ride? Would I tire easily? To be safe, I rode my road bike. I'll learn to ride the TRI bike indoors first. Thanks Brandi, Kimber, and Nina for waiting for me (I was about 20 min late .. yikes~sorry). We completed 15 miles. They were patient and accommodating! Although SCT is mostly flat, it was challenging for me. My legs/arms have little to no muscle mass. So, I have to work much harder than I remember. I hurt in places where I don't remember hurting in prior bike rides (like my arms and hands). But, when I look back where I was 3-6 months ago, I am very, very happy to experience hurt from a bike ride! :-)

All in all, I had a weekend with a few FIRSTs. The good news about firsts is that it's so easy to monitor progress. I will remember where I started and finished. I read this somewhere and like it ====>>>>>"Strive for Progress not perfection".

I will continue to strive for progress !

Enjoying the ride, Carletta aka CC aka "I wanna be a triathlete"

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