It's been one heckuva Birthday month!
2 triathlons, A speaking engagement, A Tennis round robin win, A film/video shoot
I wrapped up my TRI season with the "Tri to beat cancer" race on my birthday weekend. It was the perfect race to wrap up the season. The proceeds from the race benefit cancer patients by assisting with their financial needs.
Pre-Race: I was MOST in my head for this race. It was a mental battle about EVERYTHING. I worried about the rain & slippery pavement on the bike. I worried about the hills on the bike. I worried about the extra mile on the route (14 instead of 13). Oh boy! Each of my other races, I've gone in with such excitement and optimism. This race day I felt very meloncholy.

The Race
Swim: I made my way down to the beach area. I took a dip and a few strokes in the water. Water was warm. This year, I've been less nervous about the swim. The race started two by two. Intererestingly enough, I have had 3 different types of starts this year (Group, 1 at a time, 2 at a time). I think I actually like the group start best. Since I was already in my head, the swim was not my best. You MUST be relaxed in the water. It was the first race this season where I didn't freestyle the whole way. I did some breast strokING and glides through the water. It was also my slowest swim this year in open water. I wanted to blame it on the FOG - the choppy water ... but, I think it boiled down to my thoughts & not having the right mindframe the morning of the race. 15:38 (3:55/100M)
Bike: I get most worked up about the bike, which says this is where i need to focus in my off season. Woo Wee ... it was a tough 14 miles. The FOG was horrible. I had to remove my shades. I haven't yet learned to drink from my cage while moving. But, I managed to remove my shades and hang them on my necklace :-). I saw a number of bottles and glasses on the course. Glad mine didn't fall off! I must admit if I were conditioned better for hills it might not have been as tough. But, it was certainly the toughest bike course of any race that I've done. The race actually started with a climb out of the park. I seriously had to tell myself during one of the hills. YOU GOT THROUGH 16 ROUNDS OF CHEMO. GET YOUR BUTT UP THAT HILL! If there is ever a KEEP IT MOVING moment, it's on the bike.
1:07 (12.6mph ave)
Run: I actually did better on this run in terms of my intervals. There were some hills. But, I was so happy to be off the bike. Hey .. I kept it moving! 49:13 (15:51)
When I crossed the finishline, the announcer (as they always do) announced my name. He also said that I was racing in honor of Trisha Polite. I had forgotten that they'd asked for that information during registration. I had no idea that they would announce it at the finish line. Between the announcment and the tunnel of cheerERs at the end, I was seriously trying my hardest not to cry.
I was so worried about the rain. When I finished, the rain came. A metaphor for life -- some of what we worry about may turn out to be a true blessing. The cloud cover provided a break from completing the race in the hot, glaring sun.
This TRI season has been all that & more of what I imagined it to be. It was full of sweat, tears, and loads of laughter. Motivation and Inspiration are found in everyone's TRI journey. I enjoy the friendships that I've formed over this sport. The strength, dedication, and commitment of my fellow triathletes never ceases to amaze me.
I StrEtcHed my goals from one tri last year to three this year! At the beginning of the year, I thought about my race calendar & wanted to challenge myself to do more. I did that! I have identified where I can be stronger. I've transitioned from the mind frame of "Just f'n FINISH" to "FINISH STRONGer"! I want to be a better swimmer, cyclist, and runner. My plan is to consistently train in the off season (something I really didn't do all that well this past off season). I hope to show improvement in all my 2016 races!
Yes, I'm already thinking ahead to what adventures will be conquered in 2016!
Keep it moving, CC