If I could mimic some of what I see on facebook posts, then I would classify this blog as "random".
I feel like today's blog is random because I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thankful
for today
for my journey
Thank you, Lord for allowing me to spend the last four years with a heart of gratitude.
I appreciate sunrises and sunsets because each marks the beginning and end of a new day over and over and over again. I appreciate the fragrance of fresh flowers. And, oh boy -- the sounds of waves crashing unto the shore is pure music to my ears. The chirping of birds outside my bedroom window on an early morning is delightful!
Yes, I've always appreciated these things. The difference between appreciation pre-cancer and post-cancer is this one word -- GREATLY!
I appreciate these all these things and more GREATLY.!
I have my share of love, support, and experiences for which I can shout "THANK YOU, LORD".
I've been given an opportunity to thrive beyond the cancer diagnosis. It's truly only because of God's grace and mercy.
I am inspired every day by men and women who fight courageously through life's peaks and valleys. God knew I would need a mound of inspiration to get me through the valley. He delivered beyond my imagination. Victory!
Four years ago, I lay in a hospital bed after a double mastectomy and emergency surgery. I cried out in pain. The Lord heard my cry. I never thought about giving up. But, I did not know that I would be able to be as strong through the fight as I had been. He gave me the idea to dream and continue to plan my life after cancer. He provided me an avenue to envision a brighter day. He is a waymaker! He IS the Way!
Four triathlons
Three - 2 day/30 mile walks
Two - 120ish mile Keys 2 Recovery adventures
and so many more fun adventures along the way
I am thankful today for the inhalation and exhalation of breath. I am thankful for this life! For my life!
I've learned having a dream goes a mighty long way and serves as a reminder of who you know you can be! I'm going to keep dreaming.
Keep dreaming, living and moving
Hugs and High 5s,