I've always been excited about going into a new year. A new year is filled with hope and promise. My planner's brain loves the idea of plotting out a year of adventures and fun.
What new things will await me in the new year?
Since my breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, it's not only about the excitement of a new year. It's the gratitude I feel for the year as it closes. I am thankful for the opportunities I have been afforded in 2017 like speaking at Essence Festival or captaining a team of ladies for the Atlanta 2 day (now re-branded to Georgia 2 day walk).
I want to be able to impact the lives of others through service. I want to impact the lives of others through fundraising efforts for organizations near and dear to me.
I want to be able to impact lives through my "keep it moving" mission where hopefully I'm showing other survivors that you Can and you will .... ! {Fill in the blank with whatever you aspire to be and do}
This blog is not a commercial site. I write this blog as therapy for myself. If one person googles -- 'cancer', 'triathlete', 'survivor', 'hope', 'faith', 'family', 'friends', 'triple negative breast cancer' and somehow stumbles upon my story -- finds it a tee bit inspirational then I will have succeeded with why I began this chronicle in the first place.
I'm extremely grateful for the honors bestowed upon me in 2017. I'm thankful that I've been able to keep it moving (though slow as a snail) through the year enjoying tennis and other activities this year.
I plan to continue my "keep it moving" mission with God's help and guidance. I am prayerful that I will be able to dip into some new adventures -- continue to advocate for myself and others & most importantly build awareness. My hope is that a cure is found to cancer! Way too many family members and friends are being impacted by this dreadful disease.
So, as 2017 wraps and 2018 is on the horizon, here's to prosperity, hope, health, and happiness for you and yours!!!
Hugs, High 5s and High Hopes for 2018, CC