In November, I will be kayaking in the ocean. It's no joke! In 2016, I did not properly train (despite the excellent training plan given). Project Athena has awesome coaches. I just took for granted that I did so well in the 2015 adventure that I slacked on training.
This year, I'm intentional and hopeful that I will be better disciplined about following the training plan. (scroll back to January post)
I remember the humbling experience in 2016 because I needed a gentle push on my back (while on the bike) to get in front of the group (because I'd fallen behind). I had to be placed in a kayak with one of the trail angels. Mind you - in 2015, I was an Athena. Ironically, I was stronger in 2015 than in 2016.
It mirrors survivorship. We come out of treatment ready to conquer the world -- feeling blessed and fortunate to be through / over one of the darkest periods in our life. Then, the day-to-day of life kicks in and we are sometimes taken down a notch or two. We lose optimism and hope in the face of doubt and fear. We require a gentle push on the back (a reminder from a friend/family member) of who we are -- what we've managed to do!
While it's not pleasant to look back on the pain of a cancer diagnosis and treatment, it is good to remember how far we've come. God is the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
So, when I climb in the kayak or mount my bike in preparation for the Keys, I'm going to TRY not compare myself to the 2014 Carletta. But, I will aspire to be the best Carletta I can be!

Here's to getting it right ....sticking to the plan as much as possible & high fiving my Project Athena family along the way!
Hugs & Love, CC