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Auto-Correct in Full Effect

I woke up this morning with a tight chest (result of implants and no breast tissue). Istarted w a complaint in my spirit before I could even open my eyes good. It is so uncomfortable, Lord. Blah, Blah, Blah.

I quickly auto corrected because I refuse today to complain about that which God has blessed, healed, and strengthened.

Every day ain't all peachy, but every day is a blessing. I have friends who have every day fights & they choose hope, life, and to keep it moving. Who am I to complain about a tight chest? I swore when I was weakened and sick w chemo and post-surgery that I would complain less about trivial things when I was better. Well, I manage that about 90% of the time (ha!).

But, I am always reminded to ....


So, instead of those complaints - I sang,

"I love you. I love you. I love you, Lord today because you care for me in such a special way. That's why I praise You. I lift you up & I magnify your name. My heart is filled with praise."

Choosing to auto-correct when my thinking goes left. Choosing Joy. Choosing Hope.

Yep.... Thankful Tuesday! The devil tried it this morning, but NOPE. I got a reason to Praise Him! And, so do you :).

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