Our team walked for the sixth year in the Georgia 2 day walk for breast cancer.
This team.
This organization.
This cause.
All very meaningful.
I’m super-duper proud of this team not only for the impact we’re making on our local community but also for our love for one another. Collectively, we’ve eclipsed and raised more than $100,000 for breast cancer research and programs in Georgia. The Georgia 2 day walk broke records this year. $1.1M was raised! We’re hopeful that our daughters, nieces, sons, and nephews will not have to walk in a time with cancer is so rampant.
When sharing a common interest or goal, camaraderie almost comes like second nature. However, our team is made up of such a wonderful group of women who individually contribute toward the betterment of this world in their own way, every day.
I’m thankful for this group of women who remind me that anything is possible with love and encouragement. I finished 30 miles this year. I fully expected that I would not be able to finish. I fully expected that I’d have to quit and had resolved myself to be ok with that decision.
Yet, I finished.
I finished because I was surrounded with women who also desired to finish and not quit. We all had aches and pains. We didn't ignore that they existed. Rather, we encouraged one another to keep pushing. By enduring one step at a time together, we were stronger.
It's life.
We're stronger together.
This life will always have obstacles – bumps – curves in the road. It’s the group that we choose to surround us in those difficult times that can make all the difference in the world.
While I’m incredibly proud of what this group of women continues to do in our community for breast cancer survivors, thrivers, and care givers, I’m equally proud how this team of chooses to continually pour into the life/lives of others in the most meaningful ways.
Shout out and Thank you to TEAM Simply the Breast for living, loving, and laughing on and with purpose!
Most importantly --- THANKS for the memories ! You're each pretty darn awesome in every possibly way that I can imagine.